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Quick Clear Drains is a drain clearing company servicing Shropshire and Worcestershire

At Quick Clear Drains we believe all of our loyal and new customers should be given every opportunity to have drainage problems solved as quickly and as cost effectively as possible.

Our staff draw on more than twenty years of experience carrying out all sorts of work on all sorts of drains to provide a friendly, efficient and expert service to domestic and commercial customers.

During our time in business, we have compiled comprehensive guidelines and practices which we follow to the letter on every job we take on. Customers find that we pride ourselves on our straight forward and honest service.

If you need help any time of the day or night, we are available to come to your aid. All you have to do is call us and we’ll do our best be with you as quickly as possible.

For a Free No Obligation Quotation call your local service team using the numbers below.

Quick Clear Drains Phone Numbers

Mobile – 07930 843039
Bridgnorth – 01746 710143
Ludlow – 01584 318227
Shrewsbury – 01743 491976
Telford – 01952 426348